Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book Recommendation for Cradle UCCers and Newbies Alike

Just finished reading The Unofficial Handbook of the United Church of Christ, a newly-published book I picked up at General Synod after being unable to resist the title.  (One of its authors is Quinn Caldwell, Associate Minister at Old South Church -- UCC, natch -- in Boston.)  The book is an easy and amusing read -- and I recommend it to anyone who is a "cradle" Congregationalist or UCCer (count me in, although I was born three years before the UCC came into existence), new to the UCC, or anywhere in between.

It is a light-hearted and informative look at all things UCC, and it dispenses advice that is both downright practical ("How to Respond to a Disruption in Worship," "How to Survive for One Hour in an Un-Air-Conditioned Church" [particularly timely] and "What to Bring to a Church Potluck") as well as helpful in the course of living a life of faith ("How to Confess Your Sins and Receive Forgiveness," "How to Defend Your Faith against Attack," "How to Resolve Interpersonal Conflict").

Its section on the bible includes a rundown and comparison of the common translations, a guide on how to read the bible, and throws in some unusual bible lists ("The Seven Funniest Bible Stories" and "The Five Grossest Bible Stories" -- sorry, you'll have to read the book). 

There is also a section devoted entirely to UCC stuff which includes some of the jargon and also notable "firsts" along with the Preamble to the UCC Constitution and the UCC Statement of Faith.  One section I will definitely be quoting (if not handing out) at future congregational meetings is the chapter "Are You There, God?  It's Me, Church" which compares and contrasts the democratic system and the congregational way (yes, they are different, as I remind people at the beginning of every congregational meeting at UCC Stoughton). 

A copy of this easy-to-read book will be on the shelf of the library at the First Congregational Church of Stoughton (UCC of course) by summer's end.  But if you can't wait that long, I suggest purchasing yourself a copy for $16.00 through the Pilgrim Press store at http://www.ucc.org/.  Happy reading!