Sunday, July 3, 2011

While I am away on vacation...

Two former Student Pastors at UCC Stoughton will preach and lead worship while I am away on business and vacation: Mary Perry on July 3 and 17, and Steve Aucella on July 10.

On July 24, Allen Vander Meulen will serve as guest preacher.  Allen describes himself as follows: "The son of a UCC Pastor active in CT and VT in the 1960's, Allen Vender Meulen is a would-be Historian who elected to pursue a more lucrative career in Information Technology for about 25 years before he realized he could no longer avoid the calling he'd long felt to become a Pastor himself. He entered Andover Newton as a Masters of Divinity student in 2008, and expects to graduate in 2013. Allen, his wife Stephanie and their 18 month old son "AJ" make their home in Lincoln, MA. He will be a Ministerial Intern at First Congregational Church of West Boyleston this coming year."

Please welcome Allen, and welcome back Mary and Steve!

I will return on Monday, July 25.