Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sermon for Homecoming Sunday, September 11

"It's Morphin' Time!"

Parishioners Beware: On Sunday morning, you will not leave the sanctuary the same way you came in, because worship invites you into an experience of the sacred -- an encounter with God that is life-changing. 

In the early 90s, there was a television show starring a group of teenage superheroes called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers who -- with the rallying cry “It’s morphin time!” -- miraculously transformed into martial arts heroes for justice.

Well, we’re not going to do quite the same thing on Sunday, but as we begin a new church year, we could say that, in our own way, “It’s morphin’ time,” because the word “morph” is rooted in the Greek word metamorphose, which means “to transform.”  

Transformation is what happens when we grow spiritually, when we nurture our relationship with God.  The desire for transformation is deep in the heart of every human because it is how we will find meaning and purpose in life.  As we are given new hearts and new minds, we become disciples of Christ, the one who makes all things new.  

That is our purpose at the First Congregational Church of Stoughton, United Church of Christ: “Forming Disciples; Transforming Lives.”  And becoming a disciple means developing a relationship with God through worship, through prayer, through reading the bible, serving others, developing spiritual relationships, and giving generously.  Won't you join us on this journey of faith?

We hope you will join us for morning worship on Homecoming Sunday, September 11.  The morning will begin with breakfast at 9:00 am, and you can register your child(ren) for Sunday School.  Worship is at 10 am.  I look forward seeing you!