Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Neighbor Helping Neighbor....

"Love your neighbor as yourself." ~ Matthew 22:39

Dear Friends,

In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene, we have been contacting the seniors of our church family who live alone (both singles and couples) to ensure that they are safe and have food and supplies. We have also made house-to-house visits to those whom we have been unable to reach by phone. As of Tuesday evening, we have been able to make definitive contact with all but a few.

Over the past couple of days, I have seen repeated examples of neighbors reaching out to one another. I would ask that those of you with power and/or telephone service continue to check up on your neighbors to ensure that they are OK. Please let me know if anyone is in need of food, supplies, or pastoral services.

If you need to reach me, please call me at the church at 781-344-2395. My cell phone (978-500-3393) is experiencing only intermittent service at this time, but I am able to receive emails and text messages.

Thank you for demonstrating neighborly love!

Pastor Jean