Friday, March 23, 2012

This Coming Sunday (and beyond)

Your final opportunity to join us for a time of

Lenten Prayer and Communion

9 am on Sunday, March 25

On Sunday, March 25, Pastor Jean will lead one final time of Lenten prayer and communion beginning at 9 am in Fireplace Room. If you have special prayer needs, would like to pray for others, or simply desire an extra opportunity for worshipful, sacramental time, please join us. We will conclude no later than 9:45 am.
If you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Jean.

Out of Office

Office Administrator on leave through March 30

Our Office Administrator, Nancy Sullivan, is on medical leave through March 30. During this time, the office is not being staffed during the regular hours, although Pastor Jean is "holding down the fort," returning phone messages, creating bulletins and Notes & Notices inserts, doing the weekly Constant Contact email, and doing the April Link.

Needless to say, Nancy is greatly missed, and she is in our thoughts and prayers as she recovers from successful surgery. Should you need to contact the Church Office during this time, please be patient as we try to navigate without her. If you have any Church Office business that can be deferred until her return, your flexibility would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation!

The Stoughton food pantry shelves are low and we are all feeling the pinch of high gas prices and food costs. You all have responded so generously to our seasonal food drives to benefit the local food pantries and we asking you to step up once again by dropping an item or two in the basket in our church lobby when you come to worship throughout the month of March.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day this month, we encourage you to bring some "green food" -- a jar of pickles, a can of peas or green beans - but here are some other ideas for non-perishable items that will provide high-quality proteins, good carbs and healthy fats - plus offer a little variety: canned or pouched tuna or chicken, canned black beans, canned chickpeas or lentils, canned soups, salsa (whole grain chips optional), peanut butter, jarred spaghetti sauce (and pasta), cereals and snack bars, oatmeal, microwave popcorn, herbs, spices and spice blends, canola, olive, flax seed (linseed) or peanut oil, instant white or brown rice, raisins and other dried fruit, olive oil, mayonnaise and other condiments, wheat crackers, can of coffee or box of tea bags.

Easter Sched

Please complete and return the purple insert in Notes & Notices or the LINK to the church office by Sunday, April 1.


If your child is interested in singing in the Good News Kids Choir or participating in the Youth Music Ensemble for Easter, please join Chris Nickelson and Adam Isbitsky for rehearsals following Sunday School until 12:00 on March 25 and April 1. We will have snacks after rehearsal.

Lenten Bible Study

You are invited to

Student Pastor Lance Wiser's


You are all invited to attend the last two installments of Student Pastor Lance Wiser's Lenten Bible Study entitled "The Terrible Surprise of Hospitality." We will begin at 11:30 am and finish up before 1:00 pm on March 25 and April 1.

Lance will take an biblical story pertaining to hospitality and weave it into the narratives that came out of his experience traveling to the Holy Land this past January. He will also lead a conversation on how they connect with our own lives.

We hope you will join us!

Sunday Evening Lenten Study



Sundays, 7 to 8:30 pm

This study focuses on a fictional series of letters that were "written" on Good Friday immediately after the death of Jesus. The letters could not be mailed the next day, as it was the Sabbath. By Sunday, the world had changed. These "letters" are intended to teach and to provoke thought about the importance of Christ's resurrection.

These studies are not cumulative, so if you were not able to attend our previous sessions, please feel free to join us now.

March 25 Letter #6 From: Mary Magdalene To: Her sister, Esther

April 1 Letter #7 From: Judas Isacariot To: Whomever Finds This Note 

Led by Pastor Jean. We hope you will join us!

Good Friday Service
Attention All Middle and High Schoolers
Next two Sundays, March 25 and April 1
5 to 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary

We will spend the entire time going over the service; PLEASE NOTE: NO SUPPER WILL BE SERVED.

This rehearsal as well as next Sunday's are mandatory for youth who want to participate in the Good Friday overnight lock-in and activities.
If you have any questions or special circumstances, please speak with Pastor Jean.

altar flowers

On Sunday morning when you are sitting in worship and see the beautiful altar flowers, have you ever thought you would like to sponsor them? Here is how you can! Located on the board outside of Fellowship Hall is a poster made by Alyssa McGillicuddy!

Attached to the poster are request forms to fill out and payment envelopes. If there is any conflict with the date you request, Nancy or Gale will contact you. The cost to sponsor a standard arrangement is $25.00. If you would like to make a special request, you can do so by contacting our church florist, Nancy Sullivan at 781-254-6261. For special orders we ask for at least a weeks notice and an additional cost may be incurred. Checks can be made out to Nancy Sullivan.

Once you have completed your form and enclosed your check you can leave it in the church office or in the offering plate. If you have any questions you can contact Nancy Sullivan at the Church Office at 781-344-2371 or the number above or Gale DeBeneditto @781-344-4728.



A Lenten Table Conversation

Monday, March 26 @ 6:30 PM

Lent has traditionally been a time of self-denial, fasting and praying. It is also a time when we reflect on the last days of Jesus' life on earth. It is a time when we wonder if we are truly faithful to be called a "Christian." We wonder just how well we are doing in following the teachings of this man we call the Christ.

On Monday, March 26 at 6:30 pm, we invite the women of our church family to gather together to share a simple soup and sandwich supper as we seek to nourish both our bodies and spirits. The meal will be provided by Marcia Olson. Following supper, we will share a time of devotions as we contemplate the Passover meal shared by Jesus and his friends in the upper room. We will then have our regular business meeting followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Please note the change from our normal start time. See Marcia Olson for details.

Mainspring House Dinner

Wednesday, April 18

Our church will be serving dinner at Mainspring house in Brockton on Wednesday, April 18. We still need 1 more casserole (please see Marcia Olson for a tin) and about 6 dozen brownies. We also need 3 or 4 servers - it's a great way for a family to serve together during the Spring vacation.

Casseroles can be made ahead and frozen; they just need to be delivered to the church freezer by Sunday, April 15. We are so grateful to all of you who faithfully volunteer to make meals or serve every time we ask, living out Jesus' most basic tenet: "whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, so you do unto me." We will be handing out recipes and salad/ casserole tins in mid-March.

Please sign up in the church lobby or contact Marcia Olson ( | 781-344-9547). Thank you!

Still Speaking
A Special Announcement to
All ladies of Our Church Family:

In 1978 the ladies of the UCC churches of New England joined together in a weekend meeting of fun, worship, and learning. This time came to be called CELBRATION I.

Now in the works are plans for CELEBRATION IX for March 28-30, 2014. You see, these celebrations have taken place every four years since then. Most of the ladies who have come, come back time after time. The last one expanded to include the young ladies of the UCC, and girls 12 and over were invited with special activities and plans for them. There were some women there of three generations of the same family worshiping and learning together. The theme for Celebration IX will be "Together" based on Psalm 131:1.

So mark your calendar now, start you Celebrations fund and plan to be a part of this in Portland Maine in 2014.

First Congregational Church of Stoughton
United Church of Christ

An Open and Affirming Congregation
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