Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Beyond

Come be part of this sacred time of reflection and preparation which brings us through the shadows of Good Friday, that we may also rejoice and share in Christ's resurrection on Easter- a day of new hope, new beginnings, and new life!

Friday, April 6 - Good Friday
* 12 noon to 3 pm Sanctuary open for prayer
and meditation; feel free to join us for part of the time or for the full three hours.
* 7:00 pm Good Friday Service led by Faith-4-Life Youth Group, All ages invited.
* Youth lock-in/overnight vigil following the service;
Pre-registration required.

EasterSunday, April 8 - Easter Sunday
* 10:00 am Worship
* The Resurrection of Jesus
* Special Music
Coffee Fellowship following the service.

Mainspring House Dinner

Wednesday, April 18

Our church will be serving dinner at Mainspring house in Brockton on Wednesday, April 18. We still need 1 more casserole (please see Marcia Olson for a tin) and about 6 dozen brownies. We also need 3 or 4 servers - it's a great way for a family to serve together during the Spring vacation.

Casseroles can be made ahead and frozen; they just need to be delivered to the church freezer by Sunday, April 15. We are so grateful to all of you who faithfully volunteer to make meals or serve every time we ask, living out Jesus' most basic tenet: "whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, so you do unto me." We will hand out recipes and salad/ casserole tins for those interested in helping us. 

Please sign up in the church lobby or contact Marcia Olson ( | 781-344-9547). Thank you!



Pastor Jean will be away on vacation from April 13 through April 22. She will return on Monday, April 23.

While Jean is away, Student Pastor Lance Wiser will be preaching and leading worship on Sunday, April 15. Laity Sunday will be celebrated on April 22, and Dana Barnes will serve as preacher, assisted by members of the Board of Deacons. Thanks to all!

Should any pastoral needs arise during Jean's absence, please contact Kay Giroux at 781-344-3014. Kay will have the names of Jean's clergy colleagues who have agreed to provide pastoral coverage if necessary.


It is coming up to the time to ship our kits to Church World Service and so our April 17th meeting will be spent assembling those kits. It is an easy assembly line process and many hands are needed to make the task go quickly. If you can give us that one morning, it would be most helpful.

NEEDED TO COMPLETE SOME OF THE KITS: cloth diapers,large- toothed combs, nail clippers, and blunt-nosed children's scissors. If you see any of these items and can pick up a few of them, we would be grateful.

Hope to see you on the 17th - anytime from 9am to 2 pm. Thanks for your support of this outreach ministry.

Can you do minor repairs on sewing machines? We have a couple of them that we use for Friendly Service that need some TLC. Please speak to Janet Clough if you think you might be able to help us out. Thank You!

Pilgrim District Women Spring Meeting

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First Trinitarian Congregation Church, UCC,

in Scituate

Winter has passed, warmer weather surrounds us, and we look forward to the Spring Meeting of Pilgrim District Women, Tuesday, April 24, 2012, in Scituate. Our featured speaker will be Liisa Budge-Johnson, Community Outreach Coordinator for the Plymouth County Sheriff's Dept. Liisa will talk to us about Protecting Our Identity, a subject of great importance to all of us.

Plan to join us for Coffee Fellowship at 9:30 am, followed by the program presentation and a delicious luncheon, prepared for us by the women of First Trinitarian Church. All women are welcome to come and bring a guest, whether or not your home church has an active women's group. For reservations, contact Elaine Henriksen at 781-344-0789
New (or not so new) to our church?

Have questions?

Looking for answers?

If you are new to the First Congregational Church of Stoughton - and even if you're not - and you have questions about our church, ministries, programs or activities; if you would like more information about our denomination, the United Church of Christ; if you are curious about our worship service, tradition, customs, and way of doing things; or you have questions about God... Jesus... faith... or life that you've always wanted to ask but were afraid to... then please don't hesitate to speak to Pastor Jean - she would be happy to make a time to sit down with you. You can also call her at 781-344-2395 or email her at

Also, if you are interested in joining our church and/or want to have your child baptized and were unable to make our recent Covenant Classes, please speak to Jean to set up a time to discuss the holy promises and covenantal commitments involved in taking these important steps.

altar flowers

On Sunday morning when you are sitting in worship and see the beautiful altar flowers, have you ever thought you would like to sponsor them? Here is how you can! Located on the board outside of Fellowship Hall is a poster made by Alyssa McGillicuddy!

Attached to the poster are request forms to fill out and payment envelopes. If there is any conflict with the date you request, Nancy or Gale will contact you. The cost to sponsor a standard arrangement is $25.00. If you would like to make a special request, you can do so by contacting our church florist, Nancy Sullivan at 781-254-6261.

For special orders we ask for at least a weeks notice and an additional cost may be incurred. Checks can be made out to Nancy Sullivan. Once you have completed your form and enclosed your check you can leave it in the church office or in the offering plate. 

If you have any questions you can contact Nancy Sullivan at the Church Office at 781-344-2371 or the number above or Gale DeBeneditto @781-344-4728.
Still Speaking
A Special Announcement to
All ladies of Our Church Family:

In 1978 the ladies of the UCC churches of New England joined together in a weekend meeting of fun, worship, and learning. This time came to be called CELBRATION I. Now in the works are plans for CELEBRATION IX for March 28-30, 2014. You see, these celebrations have taken place every four years since then. Most of the ladies who have come, come back time after time. The last one expanded to include the young ladies of the UCC, and girls 12 and over were invited with special activities and plans for them. There were some women there of three generations of the same family worshiping and learning together. The theme for Celebration IX will be "Together" based on Psalm 131:1.

So mark your calendar now, start you Celebrations fund and plan to be a part of this in Portland Maine in 2014.
First Congregational Church of Stoughton
United Church of Christ
An Open and Affirming Congregation
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