Saturday, May 12, 2012

This Coming Sunday (and beyond)

Sunday School
Attention Sunday School Parents:
Please send your child in wearing appropriate attire to work outside on
May 13. The Sunday School will be cleaning the Outdoor Chapel in preparation for summer services. Also, if you have a rake handy for your child to use, please bring that in as well. We are monitoring the weather, and if it is not a good day to be outside, we have some indoor projects to work on.
-The Christian Education Team"

Bake Sale on Sunday, May 20th.
The Friendly Service Group will hold a Bake Sale before and after the Annual Program Meeting on Sunday, May 20th. The funds generated from this sale will help defer the processing fee to ship the school, baby and hygiene kits we prepared for those who need them, here in the US and around the world.
Please help us attain our goal by purchasing items at the bake table.
Thank you.
Haitian Children's
Clothing Appeal-
Month of May
On Sunday May 6, Gyneth McGarvey requested donations of used summer clothing for the children of Haiti, (Sizes 4T to Size 8).
A group of nurses will be going to Haiti in June to help with medical needs and distribute the clothing.
Last Sunday, Gyneth went to St. Vincent DePaul's on Canton Street and purchased 5 pair of shorts and 7 tops for $15.
If you're able to donate, there's a box in the Narthex with the Haitian flag on the front and small signs denoting "Haitian Children's Clothing." Thank you for any help you can give.
If you have any questions, call Gyneth McGarvey 781-344-9143.
Thank you for helping our neighbors just south of Florida.
This meeting is open to the entire church family, including members, associate members and non-members.
All members should plan on attending next Sunday, May 20th, immediately following worship.
This year these are agenda items:
1. A summary of the annual report will be distributed.
2. Four by-law changes have been recommended for consideration. By approving any of these changes, the congregation is authorizing the Church Council to make the change(s).
    • That the church change the name of the Board of Deacons to Worship & Music Ministry.
    • That the church suspend for one year the requirement that all members of Boards and Committees be members of the church. The exceptions to this motion are that individuals who have fiduciaryresponsibility, or contract execution authority, must be members of the church.
    • That the church suspend for one year any term limitscurrently in place with regard to maximum and/or consecutive years of service on any Board or Committee.
    • That the church suspend for one year any restrictions onthe maximum number of people who may serve at the same time on any Board or Committee.
3. A vote to approve the nominations for Boards and Committees as required by our by-laws.
4. A recommendation from the Board of Trustees to move up to $10,000 from the Investment Fund to the operating fund to cover necessary painting and window repairs.
Please plan on attending this brief but important meeting.
Note that child care will be provided. Thank you.
Faith-4-Life Field Trip
Date: Sunday, May 20, 2012
Leader: Dana Barnes and Kevin Monahan, as well as other parent
volunteers, will be serving as chaperones and chauffeurs for this event.
Activities: We will journey into Captain Nemo's Nautilus...
a breathtaking Victorian submarine lost beneath the waves. We will
rework ancient engines, test our hand at completing Captain Nemo's last experiment, and face creatures from the deep in this one of a kind
As time allows, we will also spend time in chaperoned groups in other parts of Patriot Place.
Cost: The cost is $18.00 BUT SCHOLARSHIP MONEY IS
AVAILABLE (please speak to Dana or Pastor Jean in confidence). Please bring extra spending money for snacks, a meal, etc. at Patriot Place.
Special Instructions: We will meet at the First Congregational Church of Stoughton at 1 pm and return at approximately 6:30 pm.
If you have not already done so and are interested in attending, please pick up a permission slip from Rev. Jean or Dana Barnes today following worship. Permission slips are required.
We hope to recognize 2012 graduates during worship on Sunday, June 3rd. Please let Pastor Jean or Nancy Sullivan know if your graduate will be attending worship that day, so that we may recognize him or her individually during the worship service.
We would also like to list all 2012 graduates (high school, college, graduate school) in our church family in the June Link, so please contact the church office as soon as possible with information.
Phone: 781-344-2371 Email:
the Stoughton Food Pantry requires our help!
The Stoughton Food Pantry continues to need our help, and there are many options for contributing food items. You can leave your donations in our church lobby when you come to worship. Or make a delivery on Tuesday mornings directly to the food pantry, located behind the Methodist Church on Seaver Street. Or drop non-perishable food items at the Stoughton Public Library. Or call Stoughton resident Peg Carbone (508-889-1385) who will pick up items every Thursday, or send her an email at
Please remember our neighbors who are less fortunate.
Our community service will be greatly appreciated by those in need!
Thank you for your help
New (or not so new) to our church?
Have questions?
Looking for answers?
If you are new to the First Congregational Church of Stoughton - and even if you're not - and you have questions about our church, ministries, programs or activities; if you would like more information about our denomination, the United Church of Christ; if you are curious about our worship service, tradition, customs, and way of doing things; or you have questions about God... Jesus... faith... or life that you've always wanted to ask but were afraid to... then please don't hesitate to speak to Pastor Jean - she would be happy to make a time to sit down with you. You can also call her at 781-344-2395 or email her at
Also, if you are interested in joining our church and/or want to have your child baptized and were unable to make our recent Covenant Classes, please speak to Jean to set up a time to discuss the holy promises and covenantal commitments involved in taking these important steps.

altar flowers
On Sunday morning when you are sitting in worship and see the beautiful altar flowers, have you ever thought you would like to sponsor them? Here is how you can! Located on the board outside of Fellowship Hall is a poster made by Alyssa McGillicuddy! Attached to the poster are request forms to fill out and payment envelopes. If there is any conflict with the date you request, Nancy or Gale will contact you. The cost to sponsor a standard arrangement is $25.00. If you would like to make a special request, you can do so by contacting our church florist, Nancy Sullivan at 781-254-6261. For special orders we ask for at least a weeks notice and an additional cost may be incurred. Checks can be made out to Nancy Sullivan. Once you have completed your form and enclosed your check you can leave it in the church office or in the offering plate. If you have any questions you can contact Nancy Sullivan at the Church Office at 781-344-2371 or the number above or Gale DeBeneditto @781-344-4728.
Still Speaking
A Special Announcement to
All ladies of Our Church Family:
In 1978 the ladies of the UCC churches of New England joined together in a weekend meeting of fun, worship, and learning. This time came to be called CELBRATION I. Now in the works are plans for CELEBRATION IX for March 28-30, 2014. You see, these celebrations have taken place every four years since then. Most of the ladies who have come, come back time after time. The last one expanded to include the young ladies of the UCC, and girls 12 and over were invited with special activities and plans for them. There were some women there of three generations of the same family worshiping and learning together. The theme for Celebration IX will be "Together" based on Psalm 131:1.
So mark your calendar now, start you Celebrations fund and plan to be a part of this in Portland Maine in 2014.
First Congregational Church of Stoughton
United Church of Christ
An Open and Affirming Congregation
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of our lives and our world
by becoming and serving
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