Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Join the 4th Annual South Shore CROP Hunger Walk -- Sunday, October 16 at 1 pm

The Fourth Annual South Shore CROP Hunger Walk will be stepping off at 1 pm on Sunday, October 16 from Christ Congregational Church, 1350 Pleasant Street, Brockton. 

CROP stand for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty.  It is a part of Church World Service, the oldest and one of the largest faith-based relief and development organizations in the United States.  Funds raised fight hunger, poverty and disease both internationally and locally.  This year, 25% of monies raised will go to MainSpring House in Brockton.

We invite you to become part of our walk!  Put together a team from your company, congregation, troop, school, college, club, neighborhood, family, or other group.  (Individual walkers also welcome!)  Send a representative to our Recruiter Rally on Monday, September 12, at 7 pm at Christ Congregational Church to pick up materials and learn more about fundraising hints and details about the walk.

If you are unable to walk, you can also participate by joining our committee to help with walk logistics (e.g., safety, food, registration), making a pledge, or sponsoring a walker.  For more information, log on to

We hope to see  you there!